Today I'm going to avoid talking about our current events of.....pointless-timewasting-doctor-appointments, and the economic-can't-sell-our-house-unless-we-fork-out-a-bunch-of-$-crisis, or the finally-got-my-three-year-old-in-big-boy-pants (which is very exciting blogworthy news for later!). No, those topics will have to wait another day. Today I've decided to go back to something I wanted to do in January but just haven't gotten to it yet.
I spent some time looking back over my posts (which didn't take me too long. sigh.) and going through pictures on my computer. And I've realized there have been many events in our lives that have been forgotten and I want them to be blogged about. If only for the sake of documenting them so we can look back and say, "Oh, look at all those great things that happened!" and, "We did spend time together as a family!"
So that's when I decided to come up with a list. Yip, a list. It started out as the 'Top 10 of 2008' which quickly turned into a lot more than 10. So much happened last year and why oh why it didn't make the blog I just can't figure it out? (Oh, yeah, refer to the 1st paragraph.) So bare with me. It may take me a few posts, which I'm hoping doesn't translate into a few weeks, but I am bound and determined to document our life events.
So while I should be doing the things that are on my own "To Do" List for the day, I am going to instead, work on this list:
The Top 20...more or less...of 2008 (in no particular order.)
- Brooklyn's Dance Class and Recital
We finally got her into her first dance class and I'm not sure who had more fun; Her, doing what she loves and is very good at. Or me, watching with a perma-grin as my little dancer twirled, tapped, leaped and spun each week.
the Ribbon Dancing was her favorite
Practicing for the "Daddy-Daughter Dance" performed at the recital. This is always the hit of the show and Brian 'graciously' accepted the challenge. Who could refuse the opportunity to dance with the cutest dance partner ever, to the hit "Danger Zone"? (just admit it babe, you loved the thrill of performing)
The Recital, "Lights, Camera, DANCE!!"

Brooklyn's teacher who she absolutely adored!
- Box Seats at the Sonics vs. Jazz Game
Our friends, Jill & Daniel, hooked us up with free tickets to the game. We were a little shocked (and ecstatic) to find out they were located in a suite!! We had such a fun time and Brian was in heaven. We ended the night with burgers and shakes at Seattle's famous Dick's. Too bad the Sonics left town and it would only be a one time opportunity. We had a blast. Thanks Martins!
Yeah, so what kind of a blogger am I that I didn't even post the birthdays. A strugglin' one, folks.
First off, we celebrated Brian and the big 31!! We had to alert the fire department and detach the smoke alarm ahead of time! Check out those flames. It practically melted the icecream cake:) The kids and I had fun decorating for the party and making him a candybar poster. We sure love you babe!

Brooklyn's 5th birthday was so much fun. She wanted a 'Princess Tea Party' and wanted the decorations to be pink. Brooklyn planned the whole thing. The girls all came dressed as princesses and had fun decorating crowns, munching on tea party treats, playing Limbo, dancing, opening presents and eating a (very challenging to make) Barbie cake which she helped decorate. I love my little girlie girl.
Next up we celebrated Lillie's 1st Birthday. We were lucky to have Grandma Belnap in town for the festivities. (that explains the insane amount of presents:) She got spoiled!) We had a little party with just our family and Lillie enjoyed being the center of attention. She didn't want a thing to do with her little cake and was disgusted with it at first. But, with the help of Brooklyn and Isaac, she soon warmed up to it and was having a great time.

In November it was Isaac's 3rd birthday. He wanted an alien party. We had a few little friends over and had fun playing "hide the alien", opening presents, and eating blue frosted alien cake. Thank heaven for spot shot! He was thrilled to get a big boy bike and has been riding non-stop ever since.

And finally, we had a big hoorah for my birthday. Let's just say I feel alot younger than I am! The kids helped Brian decorate a cake for me and once again we had to alert the fire department and detach the smoke alarm. Maybe we'll resort to using number candles from now on! Anyway, I had a great birthday. Brian took me to Red Lobster for dinner and then to a chick flick, The Secret Life of Bees. I Loved It! Oh, and what birthday could be complete without birthday hugs!

Top 20.....more or less....of be continued!!!!!