The first week in September, we took a much needed vacation and headed to Utah. It was the perfect opportunity to bless Lillie since most of our family is there. Brian's mom sings with a choir called Aspen Heart, and every year on Labor Day weekend they perform during church at the Fish Lake Branch in the historic Fish Lake Lodge. We decided it would be a great place to bless Lillie Kate because it's located kind of halfway between Brian's family and mine, and what a beautiful place it would be!
It was an amazing experience and blessing to have ALL of our family there (with the exception of my youngest brother, Michael, who is serving a mission in New Hampshire). That's pretty rare in today's world, that with 5 kids in Brian's family, and 7 kids in my family, and both our parents, that every single one of them were there. What could be better than that? (It was a small glimpse of what Heaven would be like!) Thank You so much sweet family, for making the effort to be there to support us! We were so blessed and felt very loved!
The beautiful musical program filled the Lodge with such a strong, sweet spirit. When it came time to bless Lillie, they announced for all those who would be participating in the blessing to come to the front. My heart was filled with overwhelming joy and I had goosebumps, as I watched 12 worthy priesthood holders, all of whom I love, respect, and admire, walk to the front and encircle our baby girl. It was a powerful, beautiful, and spiritual moment that I will treasure forever!

Anyone interested in visiting beautiful Fish Lake, UT? Check out this website: I copied this picture and map from their website.)
I was so happy to find this map! Whenever I say where I'm from, I get the funniest looks with the question, "Where is that?" Well, here it is! The arrow is pointing to Fish Lake, but to the bottom right of the red star you will see Loa!! That's my hometown. No more wondering! And Brian grew up in Richfield, which is just NE of Loa. Oh, I suddenly feel so close to all of you!
The Peterson Clan minus Elder Peterson
"Dad, loosen your grip!"
She really did have a great day and looked so beautiful and angelic in her white dress! After the blessing we cruised on up the mountain to have dinner at the Belnap Cabin. (better known as Papa's Cabin). It was a beautiful drive in the mountains and we were thankful for the rain that wetted the roads just enough to keep them from covering everyone's vehicle with dust. The food was delicious, (the pies and peach desert rocked!) the company was wonderful, and the scenery was beautiful. Thanks Connie and Rex for sharing your wonderful "home away from home" with all of us. And thanks again to all of our loved one's for making the effort to be there. We love you all so much!!!
More pictures from that day.....
One of the many views on our drive up to the cabin.
Our beautiful angel in white.
Adorable niece Alyssa. Don't you just want to squeeze her!
Jess, Audrey and Ryan before heading off to VA Beach! I'm so jealous!
The sweetest little toes.
Kiss Kiss Kiss
My Wonderful Mother, whose mom's name is Lillie
The ladies that make it all happen!
David & Lori, the newliest wed
Isaac (Aaahhh), Brooklyn, Brinlee
Ryker, Hali, Katelyn and Zulema
Some precious (and serious) Father-Daughter time
Ashley and her girls, Ellie and Sophie
Tyler, Wyatt, Landon & Porter
Beautiful post! That is so special that everyone but your brother was there--wow!
That picture of her feet coming out of her dress was my favorite. Makes me wish I had a daughter, too. :)
That first pic would be a great Christmas card one (I am always on the lookout during the year for a good one) You look amazing too by the way!!!
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