.....My brother David and his wife, Lori, were sealed in the Manti Temple. They were sealed in the same room that my parents, myself, and each of my siblings were married in. So it was wonderful to be in that beautiful room, along with my amazing family again. (minus my sweetheart) I was so happy to have been there to experience that special day with David and Lori. They are an amazing couple and we love them so much. (how did I not get a picture of you two?)
.....Spending precious time with family and loved ones.
.....Sliding down the steps at "the house" and doing some work there. (Sorry we didn't do more, but the storage room looks great. Keep going!!)
.....Lots of cousin time (Thanks Cliff and Jenny for letting us kidnap Hali for a few days. The girls had a ball! ...and by the way, Cliff... No Deal!)
.....Having a betty crocker session with my sister, Holly. She makes the most incredible rolls. (I busted out the kitchenaid to try to make some, but had the wrong yeast. I'll let you know how it goes as soon as I try them. Thanks Holly!)
.....Introducing my kids to "Shearing Sheep". As a child I grew up on a farm where my dad raised sheep. It was always a treat when it came time to shear the sheep and though the process has changed drastically since my childhood, it was so fun to take my kids to my cousins farm and watch it all happen.
.....Finally getting to go for a horseride. Thanks Uncle Travis!! Afterwards, Brooklyn and Hali thought it would be fun to be the pooper scoopers. It's amazing what 4 year olds find entertaining.
.....Cheering on the Wayne High Badgers Basketball team. Brooklyn even got into my old stash of cheer/dance gear and sported the purple and gold with giant pom poms for the games. She loved being a "cheerleader". The team did great and ended up taking 1st at Region and 4th in the State Tourney. I have three cousins that play on the team, one of which has only one arm and has been getting a lot of great attention for his talent and determination. He's been on the news, the Today Show, and wouldn't appear on Good Morning America unless they took the starting five with him! He was also featured as the cover story in the February issue of The New Era. Congrats Porter, Lance and Tyce!
And now for the Sorrows........
Wow, it sounds like you had a lot of fun adventures in Utah. :) (You all got married in the same room? That's amazing!)
Oh, I am so sorry for beautiful Alyssa and her dear family. They will be in our prayers!
I am so sorry about your sister's little girl. That makes me so sad. We will remember her in our prayers. Also I was at the games and didn't see you--darn it. Oh well!! Maybe next time.
Lisa, it was fun to see some pictures of your cute family in Utah. Looks like you had a great trip. I am sorry about your sweet little niece Alyssa. Their is nothing more heart wrenching then to find that your child has a serious illness. It feels like someone has poured a bucket of ice water over your head and you can't catch your breath. Through many prayers and your faith, she will be taken care of. We will keep her in our prayers. What a sweet little girl! We Miss you Guys! Hugs and Kisses from all of us!
Hi. I found you. (tori and I were looking up old roomies to see if they had blogs)
I want you to know my nephew also has the same cancer. His was also found in stage 4 (found it in Oct) and will start his bone morrow next week. It is hard, but the Lord will bless & strengthen her and your family.
email me!
Hey Lisa!
I wanted to catch up and see how you guys are.
I am so sorry for your niece.
Our family will say a prayer for her!
Glad to see that you are all well, and that doctor is doing so well! (And you guys too!)
Your family is so dang cute (and big!) The times goes so quickly!
Love ya!
Denise Beatty
Hi Lisa.
Thank you for your post on Alyssa. It got me thinking what Michael and I could do to help. I thought of using cafepress.com as a fundraising idea. It's like owning a little shop where you can design and sell custom products. There is a product price and a higher retail price. The difference gets paid to us - and donated to Alyssa. (usually around $5 profit on each product) I've started designing some rough ideas, but any ideas or suggestions would be great. We can spread the link around to everyone willing to donate. You can check it out at: www.cafepress.com/alyssajourney
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